Systematic Information days are held in all faculties of Nakhchivan University based on the Erasmus plus project AESOP, in which Nakhchivan University is one of the beneficiaries, due to it an Ombudsman office will be established at the university according to the Warsaw model beginning from January, 2018.
Rector Ismayil Aliyev made a speech at the information day for the students of the Faculty of Management, and then the project coordinator Elmira Huseynova spoke with detailed information on the Ombudsman, its function at the university, the role of the Ombudsman’s office, the rights of students through Ombudsman’s Office, and answered the students’ questions.
Elmira Huseynova also gave the students information about education abroad and student mobility.
November 23 is scheduled at the Faculty of Economics, November 28 at the Faculty of Pedagogy and November 30 at the Faculty of Foreign Languages for next information days.