On June 3, 2019, the International Seminar on Nanotechnology was held at Khazar University’s Conference Room, organized by the School of Sciences and Engineering. First of all, Hassan Niknafs, Dean of the School of Sciences and Engineering, welcomed seminar participants and talked about the importance of the Seminar. Following that the Seminar started its work. At the seminar, the following experts delivered presentations covering various topics: Professor Andrey Stepanov (Kazan University, Russia), Dr. Mousa Mohammadpourfard (Tabriz University, Iran), Professor Taras Kavetskyy (Drohobych State Pedagogical University of Ivan Franko, Ukraine & John Paul II, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland), Dr. Rasoul Moradi (Nano Research Center, Khazar University), Mariana Kravtsiv (Drohobych State Pedagogical University of Ivan Franko, Ukraine), Teymur Orujov (Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies, Azerbaijan).
The seminar was attended by employees of the Institute of Physics of ANAS, Institute of Physiology, Baku High Oil School and Baku State University. The seminar was held in the form of interactive discussions.
At the end of the Seminar participants took memorable photographs.