Pilot training for university members in new student advocacy procedures takes place at Khazar University in March-April 2018 in the frame of Erasmus+ CBHE project Advocacy Establishment for Students through Ombudsman Position  (AESOP).

The training includes both, interested university members and a randomly selected group of participants who are asked to volunteer for the training. The aim of the pilot training is to provide the students and staff members of the University with the information about Ombuds Offices, Ombudsperson, duties and responsibilities of Ombudsperson. General information on the structure of the university, obligations of Schools and Departments, internal discipline, rights and duties of students. The training is planned and conducted in collaboration with the new Ombudsperson.

Later based on the results of the pilot training held at Khazar University, other non-EU participant  universities will conduct trainings at their Universities.

Ombuds Offices at three Georgian, four Azerbaijani and two Ukrainian universities were stablished based on experience shared with EU partners in December 2018 –January 2019 in the frame of the AESOP project.

The aim of the Project is to promote democratic “Student Advocacy” procedures in agreement with the Bologna Process in three countries from Eastern Neighbouring Area by establishing Ombudsman Offices.

Project Partners are:

  1. Akaki Tsereteli State University (Georgia)
  2. Khazar University (Azerbaijan)
  3. Nakhchivan State University (Azerbaijan)
  4. Ganja State University (Azerbaijan)
  5. Nakhchivan University (Azerbaijan)
  6. Ministry of Education (Azerbaijan)
  7. Caucasus University (Georgia)
  8. Georgian American University (Georgia)
  9. Poltava University of Economics and Trade (Ukraine)
  10. Kyiv National Economic University (Ukraine)
  11. Office of the Austrian Student Ombudsmen (Austria)
  12. University of Warsaw (Poland)
  13. University of L’Aquila (Italy)
  14. University of Minho (Portugal)
  15. University of Jyvaskyla (Finland)
  16. Middlesex University (UK)