On March 11, 2021, the new Ombudsman of Khazar University held a virtual meeting with first-year students of the Faculty of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences. Opening the meeting, the newly appointed ombudsman, Aytaj Ibrahimli, introduced herself to the students and informed them about the ombudsman institution.
The meeting provided detailed information on the activities of ombudsman’s office at university and the application forms which students are supposed to choose, and students’ questions were answered at the meeting. Also, to measure the effectiveness of this meeting, students responded to two different sample inquiries provided by the ombudsman before and after the meeting.
At the meeting, which was held to acquaint and inform the students, appointment with the ombudsman in private was scheduled at the request of several students on issues of interest to them.
After the meeting, based on the answers to the questionnaires, it was decided to organize the next meetings on relevant topics. It will be announced in the coming days.