On April 17, 2019, a seminar by Vusala Musali, Professor of Turkish Kastamonu University, entitled “Why and How One Should Learn Classical Azerbaijani Literature?” was held at Khazar University.
The seminar was attended by Associate Professor Vurgun Eyyub, Head of the Department of Languages and Literature, Ali Shamil, Head of International Relations Sector of Folklore Institute of ANAS, folklore specialist, and teachers of the Department of Languages and Literature: Associate Professor Dilbar Zeynalova, Associate Professor Khatira Yusifova, Aynur Gazanfargizi, PhD in Philology. Moreover, students of the School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences of Khazar University took part in this seminar.
Vusala Musali, Professor of Kastamonu University, provided information about the periods of classical Azerbaijani literature, principles of classification, teaching and methodology of classical literature, poetic meters, particularly, aruz meters, rhyming systems, and other issues.